Friday, February 13, 2015


FlexToolBarDropDownButton class
It derived from FlexToolBarBaseButton. The item consists of a button that when clicked displays a drop-down list of mutually exclusive items.
The following example shows how to use the CommandID attribute of a tool item.
public partial class PasteGroupButton : FlexToolBarDropDownButton
public PasteGroupButton() : base()
// ******* //

class PasteGroupCommand : LinsUICommand
public PasteGroupyCommand(long nCommandID, object data) : base(nCommandID, data)
// Assign a help file to this command. The help file must be stored at the location
// specified by FlexUISettings.DefaultHelpFilePath,
HelpFile = "PasteGroup.rtf";
// Assign a short-cut key to this command.
InputKeyGesture = new System.Windows.Input.KeyGesture(
System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeys.Control | System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeys.Alt);

public override void Execute(object parameter)

// Execute your command //

protected void HelpClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ******* //

protected void OnDescendantClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ******* //

public override bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return true;

public partial class MainWindow : LinsMDIWindow
public MainWindow()

private void CreateCommands()
// Create PasteGroup command instance
LinsUICommand command = new PasteGroupCommand(PASTEGROUP_COMMAND_ID, null);

 §  Constructors
1)  public FlexToolBarDropDownButton()
Initialize a new instance of FlexToolBarDropDownButton
§  Members
1)  public virtual ToolBarItemDisplayStyle Appearence { get; set; }
Gets or sets the appearance of the tool item. The default is ToolBarItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText. It can be one of the following values,
§   None:             
Assigned Text and assigned Icon are to be rendered.
§   Text:                
Only Text is to be rendered.
§   Image:         
Only Icon is to be rendered.
§   ImageAndText:              
Both Text and Icon are to be rendered.
2)  public virtual Rect Bounds { get; }
Retrieve both the size and the location of the tool item, in pixels, relative to its parent.
3)  public virtual Rect BoundsAtMDIFrame { get; }
Retrieve both the size and the location of the tool item, in pixels, relative to MDI frame.
4)  public virtual bool Checked { get; set; }
Gets or sets the check status of the tool item. The default is false.
5)  public long CommandID { get; set; }               
If this attribute is assigned, then this tool item will be associated to the correspondent command with the same CommandID. See the above example for creating a command. 
6)  public FontFamily Font { get; set; }
Gets or sets the font of the tool item. The default is SystemFonts.MenuFontFamily.
7)  public Color FontColor { get; set; }
Gets or sets the font color of the tool item. The default is SystemManager.FlexParameters.DefaultToolItemFontColor.
8)  public double FontSize { get; set; }
Gets or sets the font size of the tool item. The default is SystemFonts.MenuFontSize.
9)  public FontStyle FontStyle { get; set; }
Gets or sets the font style of the tool item. The default is normal.
10)public FontWeight FontWeight { get; set; }
Gets or sets the font weight of the tool item. The default is normal.
11)public string HelpContext { get; set; }
Gets or sets the help content for the tool item. If this tool item has been associated to a command (CommandID attribute is assigned), then this attribute will be ignored, instead the COMMAND_EVENT.HELPBUTTON_CLICK event defined inside the correspondent command will be executed once the help button on the tooltip is clicked.
12)public string HelpFile { get; set; }
Gets or sets the help file for the tool item. If this tool item has been associated to a command (CommandID attribute is assigned), then this attribute will be ignored, instead the COMMAND_EVENT.HELPBUTTON_CLICK event defined inside the correspondent command will be executed once the help button on the tooltip is clicked.
13)public virtual ImageSource Icon { get; set; }
Gets or sets the icon of the tool item.
14)public double IconSize { get; set; }
Gets or sets the icon size of the tool item. The default is 16 pixels.
15)public virtual long ID { get; set; }               
Every tool item should have a unique ID. If the user does not assign a number to the ID, a unique number which is larger than FlexConstants.m_nUserDefinedControlStartID (10,000,000) will be automatically generated and assigned to it. If the ID is between FlexConstants.m_nUserDefinedControlStartID (1000) and FlexConstants.m_nUserDefinedControlStartID (10,000,000), then once the tool item is created, it will never been destroyed, and its layout will be persistent and customizable. You can always use LinsUIToolItemManager.GetToolItem() to retrieve its instance, once it is created.
16)public bool IsCheckable { get; set; }
Gets or sets the check ability of the tool item. The default is false.
17)public override bool IsSubMenu { get; }
True, if the tool item has sub-items.
18)public FlexCollection<UIElement> Items { get; set; }               
Gets or sets all sub-tool items.
19)public virual bool MouseHoverShowDropDownMenu { get; set; }
True, the dropdown list will automatically pop up when the mouse hovers above the dropdown button for a period of time.
20)public virtual TextImageRelation Relation { get; set; }
Gets or sets the appearance of the tool item. The default is TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage. It can be one of the following values,
§   Overlay:             
The Icon and the Text share the same space.
§   ImageAboveText:                
The Icon is displayed vertically above the Text.
§   TextAboveImage:         
The Text is displayed vertically above the Icon.
§   ImageBeforeText:              
The Icon is displayed horizontally before the Text.
§   TextBeforeImage:              
The Text is displayed horizontally before the Icon.
21)public override string Text { get; set; }
Gets or sets the text of the tool item.
22)public string ToolTipText { get; set; }
Gets or sets the tooltip of the tool item.
§  Methods
1)  public virtual bool HitTest(
Point ptMousePosAtMDIFrame)                 
Type: Point
A location which is in MDI Frame coordinate. 
Test whether the point, ptMousePosAtMDIFrame, which is in MDI Frame coordinate, is inside this tool item.
2)  public override Size MeasureSize(
bool bDropDown,
FLEX_DOCKING_ALIGN nDock)              
Type: bool
True, if this tool item is on a dropdown list, for example a context menu or a sub-menu.            
The docking style of the tool item’s container. Always pass in FLEX_DOCKING_ALIGN.TOP, except the container is a FlexToolBar, and then pass the toolbar’s FlexDock.           
This calculates how much space the tool item requires. If the user wants to customize the tool item, this method may need to be overridden by the user.
3)  public virtual void Refresh()              
This forces to redraw the tool item. 
§  Events
1)     public event ClickEventhandler ClickEvent              
This event is fired when the tool item is clicked.  
2)     public event RoutedEventHandler GotFocus              
This event is fired when the tool item receives focus.  
3)     public event DescendantItemClickedEventhandler ItemClicked              
This event is fired when any sub-item is clicked.  
4)     public event RoutedEventHandler LostFocus              
This event is fired when the tool item lost focus.  


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