1. Metro and Normal
LinsUIWPF supports two modes, Normal and Metro, both of them supports multiple document interface (MDI) and tabbed document interface (TDI), and both can be mixed-used. Users can switch between these two modes.
In Normal mode, everything works as traditional windows do.
In Metro mode, it has two screens, Metro Tasks Screen and View Screen. The user can toggle the “Tasks browse”(Video) button to switch between these two screens. It can also switch from Metro Tasks Screen to View Screen by clicking at a task button.
Metro mode allows the user to utilize the available screen space. When mouse moves close to a border of the frame, if there are tools attached to that border, an extended panel will slide out. Clicking at the “Show/Hide” (Video) button on the extended panel will bring the tools into the view or move away the tools from the view. Clicking the “Go to previous window”(Video) button on the bottom extended panel will move the previous document into the view area. The “Go to next window” (Video) button will move the next document into the view area. The user can also use the scrollbar to move the docked documents into the view area.
2. User Interface Layout Setting persistence
The User Interface (UI) layout will be automatically persistent. The user can also export the current workspace layout and tool items customization settings into a XML setting file, or import a previous workspace layout and tool items customization setting as the active workspace layout and tool items customization settings.
3. Multiple Docking Choices
When a user drags a FlexDocument / FlexPanel object over a docking sign, the user can use the Tab key to select different kind of available docking choices.
4. System Button
There is a system dropdown button. This button is located at the upper-left corner of the main frame in Normal mode (Video); otherwise, it is located on the bottom extended panel (Video). Its dropdown list items are shown as follows.
· Windows – It pops up all existed documents list. The users can activate any document from the list.
· Panels – It pops up all existed panels list. The users can show/hide any panel from the list.
· Toolbars – It pops up all existed toolbars list. The users can show/hide any toolbar from the list.
· Tile – When this is selected, a docked document will be stretched to fit into the view area and is non-resizable.
· Number of Documents in View – When Tile is selected, users can select the number of the docked documents fit into the view area.
· Save Workspace – It saves current workspace layout.
· Import Workspace … – It lets users import a previous workspace layout setting.
· Export Workspace … – It exports the current workspace layout setting into a XML file.
· Customize … – It allows users to customize all tools, which include Metro Screen, Toolbars, Ribbon Menus, Menus, Context Menus, and all buttons.
· View Style – The user can switch between Normal and Metro mode.
5. Search Function
There is a “Search” box on the upper-left corner.
Users can use it to search the name, tooltip, and detail description of all commands with the given keyword, and show all the found results on the “Search” panel as follows (Video),
6. Help Button
There is a “Question” Icon (Video) on each tooltip which is associated with a command.
When user clicks at the Icon, the following “Help” panel with the detail description of the command will pop up.
7. Customization
Click at the System Button -> Cutomize…, it will pop up the Customization sheet which allows users to customize all tools which include Metro Screen, Toolbars, Ribbon Menus, Menus, Context Menus, and all buttons.
It has following tabs,
· General tab – It allows users to customize all tool items for Context Menu, Menu, Ribbon Menu, and Toolbar generally (Video). This tab will be invisible when it is in Metro Tasks Screen mode.
· Commands tab – It allows users to customize individual tool item (Video). Users can also delete any user created tool item with this tab (Video). This tab will be invisible when it is in Metro Tasks Screen mode.
· Composite Commands tab – It allows users to create a new command which is consisted of a group existing commands (Video), or delete an existing composite command (Video). This tab will be invisible when it is in Metro Tasks Screen mode.
· Tool Container tab – It allows users to add/remove tool items into a tool item container like Context Menu (Video), Menu (Video), Ribbon Menu (Video), and Toolbar (Video). Users can also use this tab to modify the settings for both tool items and tool item container. Users are able to create a new toolbar (Video) or delete a user created toolbar (Video) with this tab too. This tab will be invisible when it is in Metro Tasks Screen mode.
· Tasks tab – It allows users to modify the settings for task buttons. Users also can drag any task button from this tab and drop it into Metro Tasks Screen (Video). This tab will be visible when it is in Metro Tasks Screen mode.
· Task Groups tab – It allows users to modify the header of a task group (Video), or create a new task group (Video). Users also can drag any task group from this tab and drop it into Metro Tasks Screen(Video). This tab will be visible when it is in Metro Tasks Screen mode.
8. Import and Export Workspace Layout and Customization Settings
· Export
Click at the System Button -> Export Workspace…, it will pop up the following Export Workspace dialog which allows users to export the current workspace layout into a *.xml file and tool items customization settings into a *.cus file (Video).
· Import
Click at the System Button -> Import Workspace…, it will pop up the following Import Workspace dialog which allows users to import a previous workspace layout file and a previous tool items customization settings file as the active workspace layout and tool items customization settings (Video).
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