Friday, February 13, 2015


FlexDocument class
It is a customized dockable FlexDocument object. The user can drag a FlexDocument object and dock it at any place. Can also drag a FlexDocument object into a sheet and make it one of the pages of the sheet.
The following example shows how to create a FlexDocument object.
public partial class MyChildDocument : FlexDocument
// ***** //
public partial class Window1 : LinsMDIWindow
public Window1()

// Create a child document.
MyChildDocument myChild = new MyChildDocument();
// Show the document.

§  Constructors
1)  public FlexDocument()
Initialize a new instance of FlexDocument
§  Members
1)  public Rect Bounds { get; }
Retrieve both the size and the location of the document including its non-client elements, in pixels, relative to its parent.
2)  public Rect BoundsAtMDIFrame { get; }
Retrieve both the size and the location of the document including its non-client elements, in pixels, relative to MDI frame.
3)  public UIElement Content { get; set; }
Gets or sets the content of the document.
4)  public virtual FLEX_DOCKING_ALIGN Dock { get; set; }
Gets or sets which border of the main frame is to be docked to and determines how a control is resized with its parent. It can be one of the following values,
§   NONE:             
The control is not docked.
§   TOP:                
The control's top edge is docked to the top of its containing control.
§   BOTTOM:         
The control's bottom edge is docked to the bottom of its containing control.
§   LEFT:              
The control's left edge is docked to the left edge of its containing control.
§   RIGHT:             
The control's right edge is docked to the right edge of its containing control.
5)  public virtual WindowState DocumentState { get; set; }
Gets or sets the state of the document; it can be one of the following values
§   Normal:             
The document is restored.
§   Minimized:                
The document is minimized.
§   Maximized:         
The document is maximized.
6)  public FLEX_DOCUMENTSTYLE DocumentStyle { get; }
Retrieve the style of the document; it can be one of the following values
§   FLEX_DOCUMENT_REGULAR:             
The document is a normal document.
The document is one page of a FlexDocumentTabSheet sheet.
7)  public double Height { get; set; }
Gets or sets the height of the document. UpdateSize() needs to be called for performing the size change.  This field will be ignored, if one of the following conditions is true,
a)  The Dock attribute of the document is FLEX_DOCKING_ALIGN .LEFT or FLEX_DOCKING_ALIGN .RIGHT.
b)  The document is one page of a FlexDocumentTabSheet.
8)  public virtual ImageSource Icon { get; set; }
Gets or sets the icon of the document.
9)  public long ID { get; set; }               
Every FlexDocument object should have a unique ID. If the user does not assign a number to the ID, a unique number which is larger than FlexConstants.m_nUserDefinedControlStartID (10,000,000) will be automatically generated and assigned to it. If the ID is between FlexConstants.m_nUserDefinedControlStartID (1000) and
FlexConstants.m_nUserDefinedControlStartID (10,000,000), then its layout will be persistent; otherwise, its layout will not be saved. You can always use LinsUIWPFDockingManager.GetDocumentFromAllPlacesByID() to retrieve its instance, once it is created
10)public FlexMenu MainMenu { get; set; }               
Set the menu of this document. If it is set to null, the menu will be removed from the document.
11)public FlexRibbonMenu MainRibbonMenu { get; set; }               
Set the ribbon menu of this document. If it is set to null, the ribbon menu will be removed from the document.
12)public virtual bool NoAnimate { get; set; }
Gets or sets the animation ability of the document.
13)public virtual string Title { get; set; }
Gets or sets the caption of the document.
14)public double Width { get; set; }
Gets or sets the width of the document. UpdateSize() needs to be called for performing the size change.  This field will be ignored, if one of the following conditions is true,
a)  The Dock attribute of the document is FLEX_DOCKING_ALIGN .TOP or FLEX_DOCKING_ALIGN .BOTTOM.
b)  The document is one page of a FlexDocumentTabSheet.
§  Methods
1)  public virtual void Close()                   
Close the document. 
2)  public void EnsureVisible()                 
Move the document into view area if it is outside the view area.
3)  public virtual bool HitTest(
Point ptMousePosAtMDIFrame)                 
Type: Point
A location which is in MDI Frame coordinate. 
Test whether the point, ptMousePosAtMDIFrame, which is in MDI Frame coordinate, is inside this document includes the non-client area.
4)  public virtual void RemoveToolBar(
FlexToolBar toolbar)                 
Type: FlexToolBar
The toolbar is going to be removed from this document. 
This removes a toolbar from this document. 
5)  public void SetLocation(
Point ptLoc)
Type: Point
A location which is relative its parent coordinates. 
Set the location of the document, in pixels, relative to its parent. When the document is docked or is a page of a sheet, this method will be invalid.
6)  public void SetLocationAtMDIFrame(
Point ptMousePosAtMDIFrame)                 
Type: Point
A location which is relative to MDI Frame coordinates. 
Set the location of the document, in pixels, relative to MDI Frame. When the document is docked or is a page of a sheet, this method will be invalid.
7)  public virtual bool ShowDocument()               
This make the FlexDocument object visible.
8)  public virtual void UpdateSize()                 
When width or height of a document is changed, this method needs to be called to performing the change.
 §  Events
1)     public event ContentChangedEventhandler ContentChanged              
This event is fired when the content is changed.  

Create a Document,
How To,

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